Subject Specific Curriculum Overview
Phonics is taught in a highly structured programme of daily lessons across EYFS/KS1.The teaching of phonics begins in Reception and we use the Oxford Owl Read Write Inc. (RWI) programme for Phonics and reading books throughout EYFS and Key Stage One. The children then move on to the Oxford Owl Reading Tree Scheme. Phonics lessons are prioritised and taught daily in Reception, Year One and Year Two and all of our teaching staff have been trained to teach RWI competently.
We promote a love for reading to ensure that children develop the knowledge and skills to become life–long readers. We believe this is key for children to access other areas of the curriculum with success.
For more information, please see our ‘reading' section under 'Key Information', our 'Reading' document' within this section of the website and our 'Reading For pleasure' section
In Reception, children are taught to use the correct letter formation and then from Year One, the children develop their handwriting into a joined, fluent cursive style which is then continued throughout school.
Spelling is taught through the phonics teaching in Reception and Year 1 and using Read Write Inc materials and Spelling Shed online materials from Year 2 to Year 6.
Within the teaching of writing, we teach spelling, grammar and punctuation skills and lessons are carefully planned so that the children follow a sequence of learning which allows them to plan and undertake an extended piece of writing at least fortnightly. This provides children with a regular routine that helps us build up competency. We work hard on handwriting and presentation, and edit our work carefully to improve it. Every classroom has a set of displayed ‘Non-Negotiables’ (which show a clear sequence of progression and are referred to regularly within lessons) and a working wall to capture the writing journey.
Across the school , on-going teacher assessment using assessment criteria and SIMs tracking is undertaken and termly data analysis is conducted by the English lead who also undertakes a range of other monitoring activities such as: Pupil Voice, lesson observations/ learning walks and planning and work scrutiny. Teachers also moderate writing assessment across the year group and with the year group below/above. We also annually moderate writing with the local cluster of schools and Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 teachers moderate with other LA schools. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is assessed termly using Scholastic materials and at the end of the year using Testbase materials.
We have a clearly progressive Calculation policy in use throughout school. Teachers also make use of the NCETM Mastery Hub resources in EYFS and Year 1, White Rose Hub mastery schemes of work and Abacus textbooks and online materials for progression. Lessons are sequenced to ensure that children build upon their knowledge and are clear as to the context of concepts taught.
Mathematical knowledge and understanding is assessed regularly using mental arithmetic tests, tables tests and end of unit tests, to check knowledge acquisition and retention and end of year Testbase materials are also used. Across the school, on-going teacher assessment using SIMs tracking is undertaken and termly data analysis is conducted by the Maths lead who also undertakes a range of other monitoring activities such as: Pupil Voice, lesson observations/ learning walks and planning and work scrutiny. We also use a range of online resources to support learning including Education City and Classroom Secrets.
Religious Education
We use the Diocesan approved scheme of work ‘Come and See’. The Religion Lead delivers training to staff to enhance teaching and learning in Religious Education as a result of specialist training that they have received. All children participate in pupil-led and teacher-led Collective Worship sessions as well as taking part in assemblies, Masses and liturgies. Children are encouraged to take opportunities to express their faith through various school organisations such as the GIFT team, Caritas Ambassadors and Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Foundation subjects
We plan foundation subjects using knowledge and skills progression ladders, which show what children should be learning in each year group in each subject and which provide a clear sequence to learning throughout school. check children’s learning against these progression ladders and the National Curriculum objectives. Our creative curriculum incorporates the subjects of: Science, History, Geography, Art, Computing, DT and indoor P.E. and this is organised four blocks of learning throughout the year. The children will be at the heart of creating the learning for the blocks and these blocks have set question titles that are SMSC linked. The final block is a whole school block that allows current events/ world themes to be explored e.g. Identity, The Olympics, The Manchester Bee. At the end of each block there will be a celebration of what the children have done to which the families are invited. Within each block, knowledge organisers are used for in the main subject for the block and regular low stakes testing and opportunities for recall are incorporated into lessons to ensure that children retain the appropriate knowledge and skills.
Our curriculum encourages children to develop independent thinking skills and questioning. Our teachers plan a wide variety of educational experiences to further develop the children’s knowledge and skills which include: visits to relevant places of interest, expert visitors, hands on workshops. Teachers also plan exciting focus weeks and events like: Arts and Culture week and Wellbeing Week. Where possible, cross curricular links are made between Maths, English and Foundation Subjects.
Foundation Subject Leaders conduct termly monitoring activities including: pupil voice, work scrutiny, planning scrutiny, learning walks and monitor the progress of pupils through data analysis.