Pastoral Care at St Winifred’s
Mental Health Support for parents and children
We place great emphasis on the Emotional health and Wellbeing of all members of our school family through the following:
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing is an integral part of our SIP and a large amount of resources and time have been dedicated to it. Mrs Burrows is our Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead and we also have an EHWB Team comprising of: Headteacher, Deputy Head, EHWB lead and SENDCO and PSHE lead).
- An Arts and Culture team has also been set up to ensure that children are supported across all areas of the curriculum to share their God-given talents.
- Behaviour reflects the high standard expected of all the children. '...Behaviour in lessons and at all times is exemplary...' CSI May 2023
- Children and adults show high levels of respect for each other and positive relationships are evident throughout school. '...Christ is truly at the heart of this Catholic community which welcomes all and makes them feel ‘at home’ and ‘part of a family’. Staff are role models who create the highest levels of pastoral support and care for pupils, especially the most vulnerable...' CSI May 2023
- The vast majority of children think deeply about their own and others’ experiences and try to relate them to a clear set of personal values. They have a keen interest in ethical issues, act in a principled manner and understand the importance of reassessing values in the light of experience. '... Pupils are deeply respectful of themselves and for others. Pupils speak about how they are cared for by their school and the opportunities that they have to share their care and love for others. They demonstrate respect for those of other faiths...' CSI May 2023
- Circle time is now at the forefront of practice and teachers hold circle time to ‘Check In’ with their classes at the beginning of the week. Teachers use this time to approach situations that are pertinent to their individual classes. Teachers continue to hold specific circle time sessions in times of need.
- GIFT Team members, Caritas Councillors, buddies and Year 6 'Precious People' look after and care for other children, as do all of our children at St Winifred’s. '...People take a leading role in responding to Catholic social teaching and have a great pride in the impact that their actions have had upon those within their own community and are able to clearly articulate the positive impact that their actions have had upon themselves and others...' CSI May 2023
- Everyone goes to great lengths to ensure the children feel safe. Every classroom has a ‘worry box’ to enable children to share any concerns with their teacher.
- The school has a very effective policy for Safeguarding and Child Protection in place and ALL staff and governors receive annual Basic Safeguarding awareness training. The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher are both trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads. Excellent provision is made for children at risk and the LA guidelines are followed consistently.
- The Welfare provision for the pupils is further enhanced through the allocation of extra provision for the most vulnerable children. . This includes the employment of a music specialist to nurture the gifts and talents of such children.
- Outside agencies work closely with the school as appropriate to specific needs, including educating children on personal, social and emotional issues.
- Quality before and after school care is provided for families needing extra support.
- The school follows the Diocesan guidelines for Sex and Relationships Education and use the Catholic scheme, ‘Ten Ten’. Children in Year 6 also use materials from the Archdiocese of Birmingham’s scheme: ‘All about Me’.
- The PSHE policy has recently been updated which ensures current issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, cyber bullying, racial tensions are covered and explored. In September 2020 the PSHE curriculum was reviewed and updated to ensure that the children are equipped for the pressures of life in modern society. We use the Jigsaw PSHE scheme throughout school and the 'Ten Ten: Life to the Full' SRHE scheme.
- The school now has its own outdoor classroom and a member of the SLT is the Forrest School Coordinator. The work they complete encourages our learners to think about the welfare of the world which God gave us.
- The CARITAS Council raise awareness of how they and the other learners within school can support the welfare of members of our wider community.
- The school works closely with local high schools, to ensure that sensitive issues are given strong priority in KS2/3 transition arrangements.
- Children love being at St Winifred’s .