Gardening Club
Here at St Winifred's we enjoy the outside, understanding breaks in the fresh air helps our concentration and quality of work. Alongside our daily outdoor play we take part in the mile run, we take part in forest school sessions and have regular sessions in a variety of sports.
Mrs Kendry leads a gardening club, sharing her enthusiasm of gardening and the environment with children in their lunchtimes.
WINNERS! Stockport Hydro Environmental Challenge fund award!

On Friday 15th March, Mrs Kendry along with three pupils were invited to the Stockport Hydro Awards, we are delighted to announce that we were awarded the Stockport Hydro Environmental Challenge fund awards! This is down to Mrs Kendry’s commitment and hard work with our Gardening club. With this award comes £200 to be used in out gardening club towards plants and tools.
Well done to all involved and thank you to Stockport Hydro!
Gardening Club
St Winnie's Hedgehog House
This image shows some of our Year 4 children with a 'Hedgehog House' built by children from our gardening club. We wonder if any of our Hedgehog neighbours have had a stay in this cosy house?