Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
EYFS at St Winifred’s
English in EYFS
English is taught within the Communication and Language prime area of learning and also within the Literacy specific area of learning. Communication and language underpins all 7 areas of learning within the EYFS. Hiqh quality interactions with experienced practitioners form the foundations for language and cognitive development. We provide a language rich environment which supports high quality conversations while also broadening vocabulary. Through story-telling, conversations and role-play children will have the opportunity to embed new vocabulary. Practitioners model language structure and children are encouraged to share ideas and engage in back and forth interactions.
Maths in EYFS
We aim to ensure that all children develop firm mathematical foundations in a way that is engaging, and appropriate for their age. We provide a variety of practical, concrete activities and games that support key mathematical concepts both inside and out. There are six key areas of early mathematics learning which collectively provide a platform for everything children will encounter as they progress through their maths learning at primary school, and beyond: cardinality and counting, comparison, composition, pattern, shape and space, and measures. We provide many opportunities for mathematical investigation and children are encouraged to 'have a go'. We encourage a positive attitude to maths and support the children to find connections and to identify patterns and relationships. Our curriculum provides rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills including shape, space and measures.
RE is taught explicitly using the Come and See scheme of work and within the Understanding the World area of learning. In Reception, children will learn about the similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities and relate this to their own faith. They will be encouraged to talk about their own experiences, including celebrations. Books and stories will help them to widen their understanding of our culturally diverse world.
Children thrive when they feel confident and valued in their learning environment. Through adult modelling and guidance children will develop confidence, persistence and resilience. Our carefully structured Personal,Social and Emotional Development curriculum encourages children to develop self-regulation skills and to build positive relationships with adults and peers. Our setting enables children to be self-reflective and to become independent learners.
Science in EYFS:
Science is taught within the Understanding the World area of learning. Our carefully sequenced curriculum enables children to make sense of the world around them. Our setting encourages exploration and investigation both inside and out. Children observe the important processes and changes in the natural world. They make predictions and share ideas. Books and stories help to widen the children's vocabulary and to develop their understanding of our ecologically diverse world.
Physical development in the Early Years is crucial. Daily opportunities for physical activity develop core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross and fine motor skills will be developed through a variety of games and activities, alongside a weekly PE lesson to develop skills. The children will also have access to our Forest School area. Healthy lifestyles are encouraged and physical activity is highly valued.
History in EYFS
History is taught within the Understanding the World area of learning. Through discussions and a broad selection of books and stories children will develop their sense of history and will be able to talk about their own experiences and similarities and differences between the past and present. We will extend their vocabulary and provide rich, immersive experiences which deepen their understanding of life in the past.
Geography in EYFS
Geography is taught within the Understanding the World area of learning. We encourage the children to have a sense of wonder about the world we live in. Through observation, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts, maps and fieldwork, the children will develop a firm understanding of their environment. They will increase their geographical skills and will be able to share their understanding of some of the similarities and differences between places in their local area and in the wider world.
Art in EYFS:
Art is taught within the Expressive Arts and Design specific area of learning of the EYFS. Imagination and creativity is developed through a wide variety of activities and through a range of media and materials. Children are encouraged to share their creations and to articulate their thought processes and ideas. Children develop their artistic skills through the explicit teaching of techniques and also through independent experimentation.
Computing in EYFS
The use of technology supports learning within every area of EYFS. Children are offered a variety of actvities which enable them to embed their knowledge and skills across the curriculum. We teach children how to keep themselves safe in our increasingly technologically diverse world.
Design and Technology in EYFS
Design and Technology is taught within the Expressive Arts and Design specific area of learning of the EYFS. Children are given opportunities to use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques. Children experiment with colour, design and texture. They are encouraged to share their designs and products and to articulate their thought processes and ideas. Their design skills are developed through explicit teaching of techniques and also through independent experimentation.
Music in EYFS
Music is taught through the Kapow scheme of work and within the Expressive arts and design area of learning. The children explore musical elements such as beat, tempo and pitch through nursery rhymes, action songs, using musical instruments and dance. They are encouraged to listen to different genres of music from different countries and cultures and relating to topics of learning. They are encouraged to express their likes and dislikes when listening to a piece of music.